IBPS CWE PO/MT V-II Recruitment 2017-3562 Officer and Trainee Posts

IBPS CWE PO/MT V-II Recruitment 2017-3562 Officer and Trainee Jobs

Institute of /Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the notification for recruitment of Probationary Officer/Management of Trainee (CWE PO/MT-VII ) through Common Recruitment Process in Nationalized Banks. The recruitment will be on Contract basis. Eligible candidates who want to apply these bank jobs can apply online till 05-09-2017.

New Government jobs

Department Name :- Institute of /Banking Personnel Selection

Jobs Details :-

Jobs Name :- Probationary Officer/Management Trainee (PO/MT)

Number of Posts :- 3562 jobs

Age Limit :- 20-30 years

Qualification :- Candidates must have Graduation in any discipline.

Vacancies filled Under  :-  IBPS CWE PO/MT V-II Recruitment 2017

Application Fee :- Candidates have to pay Rs 600/- and SC/ST/
PWD/EXSM candidates have to pay Rs 100/- through online mode.

How To Apply these Banking jobs

  • Eligible candidates can apply online through website links below
  • Candidates can take printout of filled application form for future reference.
Nation Criteria :- Only Indian citizen can apply these Banking jobs

What is the Selection Procedure for these IBPS jobs

The candidates who meet all eligible criteria related to these 12th pass jobs post. Selection on the basic of their your performance round of selection area as follows. 

  • Selection will held on  Online Preliminary Examination 
  • Selection will held on Main Examination and Interview

 Important date for these govt jobs

Last date for these govt job :- 05-09-2017

Date of Examination :- 07-10-2017 to 08-10-2017-14-10-2017

Date for Online Examination (main) :- 26-11-2017