KPCL Recruitment 2017 notification for 486 jobs

KPCL Recruitment 2017 notification for 486 jobs

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited going to recruit fresh candidates of KPCL Jobs 2017 Notification. 

These Vacancies are going to fill 486 vacancies which as AE   (Assistant Engineer), Junior Engineer (JE) chemist & other Posts.
govt jobs for and Diploma

As per KPCL official  Notification, it has been found that you have apply for these KPCL Jobs below Qualification you have.

AE Jobs

A degree or equivalent qualification in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical
Instrumentation Technology Engineer from a recognized university.

JE Jobs

Three years Diploma in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering its
is wonderful for every opportunity for all those candidates who Want to work with KPLC jobs. 

Department Name :- Karnataka power Corporation Limited

Post Names :-  Assistant Engineer 

Post Name :- Junior Engineer

Age Limit :- 18-40 years

Vacancy filled Under :- Karnataka power Corporation Limited Recruitment 2017.

What is the Eligible Criteria for these govt jobs

Education criteria: 
A degree or equivalent qualification in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical
Instrumentation Technology Engineer from a recognized university.

Three years Diploma in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering its
is wonderful for every opportunity for all those candidates who Want to work with KPLC jobs. 

Nation criteria :- Only Indians apply these KPCL Jobs

What is the Application fee for these  govt jobs

  • General Candidates Rs 500/-
  • SC/ST candidates Rs 250/-
  •  payment mode Postal or DD

What is the Selection process for these govt jobs

The candidates who meet all eligible criteria related to these graduate and diploma post. Selection on the basic of their your performance round of selection area as follows. 
  • Selection will held on Written Test 

Date To Remember for these govt jobs

last date to Apply Online :- 18-08-2017

Important Links For these KPCL Jobs

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