JSSC Recruitment 2017-3019 Police Sub Inspector Posts

JSSC Recruitment 2017-3019 Police Sub Inspector Posts

Job Status :- Expired 

Latest Govt jobs

Jharkhand staff selection commission invites application for recruit
of police Sub Inspector post.

Eligible candidates who want to apply for these govt jobs can apply online  till 13-August-2017.

jssc has released number of post:- 3019 Sub Inspector posts 

Education:-  you must have Graduates degree.

Latest JSSC Recruitment :-Radio Operator 

Selection process for these govt jobs is written Test, physical Test and medical Test.

Department name :- Jharkand Staff selection commission Recruitment 2017

 Post Name :- Sub Inspector 

Number of post :- 3019 police post

Pay Scale :- Rs 9300-34800 /+ grade pay Rs 4200/-

vacancy Filled Under :- Jharkand Staff Selection commission

Eligible criteria for these govt jobs

Education criteria :- only these candidates eligible for these govt jobs how have pass graduate only apply

Only Indian citizens can apply these govt jobs

Application Fee for these govt jobs

  • General/OBC candidates have to pay Rs 460/- 
  • SC/ST candidates have to pay Rs 115/- through SBI bank challan or Net banking

Important date for these govt jobs

Last date for these govt job :- 13-August-2017

Important Links these govt jobs

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