KSP Recruitment 2017- 1313 Police Constable Posts
Karnataka State Police (ksp ) released notification for the recruitment of civil Police Constable post in Police Department. Eligible candidates who want to apply for Police Recruitment can
apply before 22-June-2017.
Karnataka State Police Released Total Number of post 1313. Age Limit 19-25 years Scale Rs. 11600-2100/- per month. Candidate must pass PUC, 12TH Class examination.
Post Details:-
Post Name:- Civil Police Constable
Number of post:- 1313
Age Limit:-19-25 years
pay Scale:-Rs. 11600-2100/- per month
Qualification:- Candidate must pass PUC, 12TH Class examination.
Application Fee:-
- General candidates have to pay Rs 250/-
- SC/ST candidates have to pay Rs 100/- through SBI.
Selection Procedure :- Written Test, Interview, Physical and Medical Standards.
National Criteria :- Only Indian Citizen can apply this Civil Police Constable jobs.
Date To Remember
Last Date for Online Application Submission:- 22-June-2017