Punjab and Haryana High Court Recruitment 2017
Haryana and Punjab High Court going to recruit fresh candidates who want to work this organization and Eligible candidates can apply post of Senior Scale Stenographer post. Eligible candidates can apply before 27-jun-2017.
Post Details:-
Post name :-Senior Scale Stenographer
vacancies:-33 post
Age Limit:-21-30 years
Pay Scale:-Rs.10300-234800/-+Grade pay Rs 4400/-
Qualification:-Candida Must have degree in bachelor of arts or bachelor of Science.Application Fees:-
- candidates SC/ST/PWD/EXSM:- Rs.250/-
- other Candidates :-Rs.500/-
How To Apply:-
- Eligible candidate can apply in Prescribed application format.
- Duly filled application along with all the relevant documents should send to Coordination Branch,Punjab and Haryana High court, Chandigrh- 160001.
- Superscribing the application with name of post.
Selection Procedure:- English/Hindi Shorthand Test and Computer Proficiency Test.
Nationality Criteria:- Only India Citizens can apply this
- If any Candidate is found canvassing directly or indirectly, his candidature will be rejected.
- Committee reserves the right to accept or rejected any application.
- In-service candidates have to produce NOC from the employer.
- TA/DA will not be given to the candidate.
- Incomplete application will be rejected.
- Application fee is non refundable.
- Late application will be rejected.