IOCL Recruitment 2017
India Oil Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Going to Recruit fresh candidates. post Name Engineer Assistant and Technical Attendant post. Eligible candidate can Apply before 12-Jun-2017.
Post Details:-
Post name :-Engineering Assistant
Age Limit:-18-26 years
Pay Scale:- Rs 11900-3200/- per month
Qualification:-3 years full time diploma in engineering.
Post Details:-
Post name :-Technical Attendant
Age Limit:-18-26 years
Pay Scale:- Rs 10500-24500/- per month
Qualification:- Matric/10th class pass and ITI certificate.
Application Fee:-
SC/ST/PWD Candidates are exempted from payment of fee
General and OBC Candidates have to pay Rs.100/-
Selection Procedure:- Written Test/Skill Test/Proficiency Test/Physical Test.
Note :-
SC/ST/PWD Candidates are exempted from payment of fee
General and OBC Candidates have to pay Rs.100/-
Selection Procedure:- Written Test/Skill Test/Proficiency Test/Physical Test.
Note :-
- In service candidates have to produce NOC from their employer
- Candidates have to bring original documents for verification.
- IOCL reserve the right to accept or reject any application.
- Age relaxation will lead to accept or reject any application.
- Canvassing will lead to disqualification.
- Application fee is non refundable.